Quite often, we can use things we already have in our closets to celebrate traditions from countries where our ancestors lived. By dressing up, kids can connect better to the tradition. This Christmas, we remembered Brad's Swedish ancestors by celebrating St. Lucia's Day on December 13th.
It doesn't have to be perfect. Traditionally, the oldest daughter wears a wreath of candles as a crown on her head and a white dress and red sash. In our family, it was the youngest daughter that didn't mind putting on the scratchy wreath. And no candles on the wreath. No problem!
My friend, Amy Wilson, demonstrates some creative ideas for building costumes, such as how to make one out of an inexpensive shower curtain.
See some great tips at https://studio5.ksl.com/tips-to-take-your-nativity-costumes-to-the-next-level/